docbarb5589 11th May 2012

Charmaine was a dear friend and classmate. She and I never missed our weekly lunches when I lived in Ojai, and we had frequent get-togethers at each other's homes. I have missed her company so much since I left California in 2006. I knew her kidneys were failing and the possibility of a surgery to repair her shunt was pending. She really had a lot of anxiety about her shunt, and fear, I think, of surgery again. I am glad she was near her family during this time. She was so proud of you, loved you dearly, and loved to share your about your lives. I am attending her memorial in spirit. I know because of Charmaine's work with shamanism we can make that connection. It was such a privilege to do some editing for her when she was working on her dissertation, read her brilliant work, and, then, the best was her teaching me about her passion. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Warmest Blessings in Sympathy